A part of our FAA drug and alcohol training, FAA Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Scope introduces the FAA safety sensitive positions that require employees to take part in an FAA drug testing program. In the course you will learn:
FAA Safety Sensitive Positions Definition
You will learn the definition of a safety-sensitive position according to the FAA. Anyone working a safety-sensitive position must partake in a drug testing program. If they do not, you may find yourself in trouble with the FAA and DOT.
Also, by knowing who must partake you also know who does not have to. Learn the exact scope and intent of FAA drug testing programs.
By the end of the course you will be able to identify workers covered by an employer’s DOT FAA testing program according to their positions, safety-sensitive job functions, and what it means to “perform” these functions.
We help you be concise and efficient with your drug and alcohol testing efforts.
The Distinction Between DOT FAA and Employer-Authority Drug and Alcohol Testing Programs
We also discuss how a DOT FAA drug testing program differs from one authorized by employers, and we explain the importance of the distinction.
The DOT and FAA set specific rules for their programs, and you must follow them. Employer-authorized drug testing programs don’t have that third party overlooking and double-checking their work, so there is less potential for legal and fiscal repercussion.